You will be in the clinic usually between 3-5 hours. On arrival our friendly reception staff will give you information to read and forms to fill out. A counsellor will then see you to get your medical history, answer any questions you might have and undertake appropriate counselling. From reception you will proceed to the theatre suite to see the anaesthetist who will discuss your health and anaesthetic options.

During this waiting period you will have magazines to read, music to listen to, and a television to watch. You may wish to bring your own reading material. The surgeon will then see you and perform a physical examination and an ultrasound. Your surgeon will answer any remaining questions you may have. Finally a theatre nurse will take you to theatre. The procedure will take approximately 15 min.

After the procedure you will be in recovery for approximately 1 hour where you will be offered refreshments whilst being observed until you are fully alert. You can then be discharged into the care of the person who is taking you home.

Find out more about your visit.